Thursday 21 January 2021


Review by Alice from Amazon:

Aimed at teenage girls but could be enjoyed by anyone who isn't a small child, as it gets quite dark in places. This is a fun book with interesting / likable characters. However it could really really do with an Editor, and the ending leaves a lot of loose threads and was quite unsatisfactory for me. Maybe there will be a sequel that will somewhat fix that but there isn't one currently, as far as I can see.

Review by M.H. Thaung from Goodreads:

This fantasy adventure was quite a fun, fast-paced read with a humorous touch. I noticed a couple of typos, but certainly nothing that caused a lot of distraction. The characters were distinctive and Almendra a sympathetic main character. The plot all made sense, although I felt it progressed in lumps rather than unfolding naturally. There was a bit of a tendency for other characters to tell Almendra large chunks of information, which turned whatever she'd believed so far on its head. This rather reduced opportunities to see Almendra herself in action, rather than having her simply learn about new plot developments. I also felt there was an overuse of Almendra's thoughts to explain her observations, and a certain repetitiveness slowing down the pace - though I can understand this being for the benefit of younger readers. A straightforward fantasy adventure that will probably appeal more to younger readers or those new to fantasy.

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